A Guide to Aussie expressions at workplace

Embarking on your internship in Australia? Prepare yourself for some delightful and distinctive Aussie slang! When you first come here, Australian workplace slang may initially pose a challenge, but fear not! You’ll soon get used to them and effortlessly use these in your daily conversations, with our expert guide.


1. Grab a cuppa

Get a cup of tea

For example: Let’s grab a cuppa during the break!

2. Out of the blue

Something unexpectedly happens

For example: She received an internship offer out of the blue.


3. It’s a no- brainer

It’s obvious or self-evident

For example: He did well in his internships, that’s a no-brainer.


4. Arvo


For example: Would you like to have some drinks this arvo?


5. At the end of the day

When everything is taken into consideration/ what happens after a long series of events

For example: The client’s satisfaction is what matters at the end of the day.


6. Touch base

Make contact or reconnect, used to talk about the act of briefly communicating with someone

For example: I should touch base with my manager to find out what’s going on.


7. Think out of the box

Think in a creative way instead of expected ideas

For example: The project needs a fresh approach. Let’s think out of the box!


8. Get all your ducks in a row

Be well prepared for something to happen

For example: Make sure to get all your ducks in a row before the meeting starts.


9. Raincheck

Rescheduling of plans

For example: I’m sorry I can’t make it to the meeting today, could we take a raincheck please?


10. All hands on deck

Everyone’s assistance and participation is required

For example: They’re calling for all hands on deck from out department.


How many of the above did you not know?

Published on by Australian Internships.