Ashley - Law & Legal services (USA)


"This internship was such an amazing experience. I grew as an individual and learned how to be more independent. Going to a country you have never been before and knowing no one really gives you a different perspective on life. The first night here I was so determined to prove to myself that I was capable of being on my own. Little did I know I had no idea how the transport system worked yet. I watched the bus drive right by me three times before someone finally taught me how to signal a bus to pick me up, and by the time I managed that I ended up getting on the wrong bus in a town I wasn't familiar with. I learned how to adjust to things not going the way I expected and have fun with it.That night ended up being a great adventure and I learned so much about the city by just getting lost. My advice to any future intern is make the most of your time and get out of your bubble. Time really flies by and you'll be begging to come back. Try foods you usually wouldn't, see where the road takes you, reach out and make friends. You won't regret it. Take as many pictures as you can; don't be afraid to look like a tourist. But also stop and take it all in because Australia is one of the most beautiful places you will ever see."


Published on by Australian Internships.