Time Management

Adapting to a new task schedule can be hard, especially if you are new to the role. But, there is a way to get the most out of your time at the internship, and impress your host supervisor as well! The key is managing your time to get your tasks done and show that you are responsible enough to handle bigger and better tasks and projects! Below are some time management tips to start using to your advantage:

  1. Create a daily plan and stick to it – so that you know at the start of your day what you need to do and avoid procrastination. If unexpected tasks come up and you need to make your plan flexible, this can also help you prioritise and rearrange your tasks.

  2. Make your own deadlines – setting a specific time for completing each task helps you stay focused and organised. If you have a task due by 11am, have it ready by 10:30 so you can get feedback and make sure it is perfect by the due time. And if you don’t need to change it, you have extra time for other tasks and can show your efficiency!

  3. Focus on one task at a time – multitasking is an admirable skill, however, it takes years to master not being distracted by thoughts of one project while you are doing another. Focus on one task before moving on to the next, and it will be done more quickly and effectively. Prefer quality rather than quantity!

  4. Learn to prioritise – try to learn what you should prioritise early, and when you start working on your own to-do lists, ensure that you confirm with your host supervisor that your priorities are in line with the company’s.

  5. Take breaks between tasks - ensure you set short breaks between each activity. This will help you clear your head and stay focused and motivated to finish what else you have to do. Drink a coffee, meditate or do something you enjoy to boost your energy.

  6. Plan ahead - organise your day and your calendar for long-term time management. Try to schedule your fixed activities and project due dates. This will help you to visualise your month and prepare yourself for the upcoming tasks.

There are many more ways to manage your time, but these are great tips to start. It is important to check what is best suitable for you and stick to it. Combining these habits with dedication will help you succeed in your internship and all aspects of your life.

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Published on by Australian Internships.